How to import precompiled c++ (.so) headers in android jni n
2024-03-26 02:47

I'm currently working on an Android project and need to integrate precompiled C++ (.so) headers using JNI and NDK. Can someone guide me on how to import these precompiled headers into my Android project effectively?

I have library name "TESTLIBRARY" in the maven. which have some java file and cpp with headers file I used above "TESTLIBRARY" in the application gradle dependencies. I want to use "TESTLIBRARY" cpp headers in the "application layer". How I can use it ?

other answer :

To import precompiled C++ (.so) headers into your Android project effectively using JNI and NDK, you can follow these steps:

Include the Precompiled Library in Your Project:

Ensure that you have added the precompiled library (.so file) to your Android project. You can typically do this by placing the .so file in the jniLibs directory of your app module.

Create JNI Interface:

Create a JNI interface in your Java code to interact with the native methods defined in the precompiled library. This involves declaring native methods in your Java code and implementing them in C++.

Write JNI C++ Implementation:

Write the JNI C++ implementation for the native methods declared in your Java interface. This involves creating a .cpp file where you define the JNI functions corresponding to the native methods.

Link Precompiled Headers:

In your JNI C++ implementation, include the necessary headers from your precompiled library. You can typically do this using #include directives at the beginning of your C++ file.

Build Configuration:

Ensure that your Gradle build configuration properly includes the necessary NDK settings to compile and link the C++ code with the precompiled library.

Invoke Native Methods from Java:

Finally, from your Java code, you can call the native methods defined in your JNI interface to interact with the precompiled library.

Heres a simplified example:

Java Interface (

javapublic class MyJniInterface { static { System.loadLibrary("native-lib"); } public native void nativeMethod(); }

JNI C++ Implementation (native-lib.cpp):

cpp#include < jni.h> #include "precompiled_header.h" // Include the precompiled header from the library extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_example_myapp_MyJniInterface_nativeMethod(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz) { // Call functions or perform actions using the precompiled library }

Make sure to replace "precompiled_header.h" with the correct header file name from your precompiled library.

Then, in your build.gradle file, ensure that the necessary NDK configurations are set up, and the correct libraries are linked.

With these steps, you should be able to effectively import and use the precompiled C++ headers in your Android project through JNI and NDK.